Following are the most frequently asked questions regarding the murder of Anastasia WitbolsFeugen and the arrest, trial, and conviction of her killer, Byron Case. Some of the questions have been most frequently asked by Case's supporters, others by those simply curious of the facts.
- Murder and subsequent investigation
- Who killed Anastasia WitbolsFeugen?
- Is there a timeline of the night of the murder?
- Did a witness see Anastasia walk away from Justin's car?
- What kind of weapon was used in the murder?
- Did Byron Case have access to a gun?
- What was the time of Anastasia death?
- Was DNA or other forensic evidence collected or used in the murder investigation?
- What motive(s) could Byron Case have to commit murder?
- What was Anastasia's relationship with Byron Case?
- Where was Byron Case's car on the night of the murder?
- For how long was Byron Case a suspect in her murder?
- Was anyone else a suspect in Anastasia's murder?
- Did either Byron Case or Kelly Moffett take a lie-detector test?
- Did Byron Case fully cooperate with the police?
- Questions and Mysteries
- Did Byron Case tell false stories about himself or about anyone else?
- How did Byron Case behave toward Anastasia's family?
- Did Byron Case and/or his friends attempt to harass and intimidate any potential witnesses?
- Was Byron Case committed to a mental ward for observation?
- Was Byron Case ever told by Kelly Moffett that she would "Make his life a 'living hell'"?
- Why did Anastasia go to meet Justin Bruton at a cemetery?
- Why were Justin and Anastasia accompanied on the night of the murder?
- Was Anastasia taken anywhere between the DQ and Mt. Washington Cemetery?
- What were the circumstances of Justin Bruton's death?
- Arrest and trial
- What motive did Kelly Moffett have for coming forward?
- How many different versions of Anastasia's last night were gven by Kelly Moffett?
- What were the details of Byron Case's alibi?
- Was Byron Case too sick to understand Kelly Moffett's questions and statements?
- Did Byron Case have a prior criminal record before being charged with murder?
- Was Byron Case ever granted immunity from prosecution?
- Was Kelly Moffett granted immunity from prosecution?
- Was Jackson County (either the Sheriff's Department or Prosecutor) particularly anxious to close this case?
- Did Byron Case resist arrest?
- What was the primary evidence against Byron Case?
- Was there other evidence for or against Case that the jury did not see?
- How important was Byron Case's audiotaped tacit admission in the trial?
- Why did Byron Case decide not to ask for a mistrial?
- How effective were the witnesses in Byron Case's trial?
- Did the judge in State v. Case fall asleep during the trial?
- Aftermath, concepts, and recent activities
- What happened to the reward offered in Anastasia's murder?
- What sentence did Byron Case receive?
- What was the standard of "reasonable doubt" properly applied in Byron Case's trial?
- What is a tacit admission, and what is its relevance to this case?
- What consitutes a wrongful conviction? Was Byron Case wrongfully convicted?
- Did Byron Case receive competent representation at his trial?
- Were Byron Case's Fifth Amendment rights violated?
- What appeals has Byron Case made since being sentenced?
- What are Byron Case's current activities?
- Where is the killer's web site?