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In this letter, Case attacks two of Anastasia's best friends, mocking the grief that many felt at the time, even after having demanded sympathy for his own grief in an earlier email.He also admits in this letter that he is aware that he is a suspect, and while stating the exact scenario about which Kelly Moffett later testified (that he shot Anastasia while she watched), he adopts a tone of high moral indignation, that Anastasia's family could think him to be such a "sick fuck".
He then makes reference to his earlier felony, though painting himself as more mature and balanced when he returned.
Lastly, he takes a second swipe at his own friend (and later defense witness) Tara McDowell. He paints her as a compulsive liar (a familiar pattern) when he believes that we have information from her that might put him in a bad light. He had made similar statements about her in an earlier letter.
Subject: Suspicions
Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 14:44:55 -0500
From: From: Byron Case
To: Patrick RockI've always found amusing the way certain people, after hearing about a tragedy, will grab hold of it as it passes and proceed to ride it for all it's worth. The irony of this situation is that while these "rodeos of sorrow" are going on, it seems that more often than not, the people closest to the situation back away -- trying to close the chapter -- while the others hold the book open by crying and whimpering about how close they are to the issue. Often times, the last frantic grasp at attention in these times is the creation of rumors which, as you made clear, are certainly not strangers to the aftermath of Anastasia and Justin's respective deaths."The mob requires regular doses of scandal, paranoia and dilemma to alleviate the boredom of a meaningless existence. What begins as a seedling of reality germinates into a full-blown myth, which in turn picks up constituents along the way who confer substance to it."
-Anton LaVeyThe things Peige and Daniele have done are of little concern to me. I will not ruin their little game by talking about Anastasia's general animosity toward Peige or the events leading up to the ending of her friendship with Daniele. I don't care who has volunteered their time to calling in apparently fruitless tips. Nor do I dare compare myself to the multitudes of other people who suddenly became Anastasia's Siamese twin. Even Justin had his mourners -- people who met him once – who came forth to proclaim their undying love for the deceased. It sickens me that there are so many people desperate for recognition as a "harrowed soul", that would take something as heartbreaking as death and transform it into a sick mockery ... polluting names and legacies in a twisted race to get the most reassuring hugs and pitying glances. I am proud to have no part of that.
I realized long ago that I was not being ruled out as a suspect ... that bothers me, but because there is no way to prove to the police that I am innocent, I have to just deal with that. Sgt. Kilgore is merely doing his job and following procedure, and I am in no position to dispute logic. I don't like the idea, but am helpless to argue it. I can't help but feel that if this were the dark ages, Anastasia's family would have had me burned at the stake out of sheer suspicion. In fact, I doubt any of them would dispute that theory if asked. THAT is what bothers me ... not that the police haven't ruled me out, but that the family is convinced that I had a hand in Stasia's murder. Even if I was perverted enough to murder someone, I doubt I'd be such a sick fuck as to bring my girlfriend along for the ride. That does't exactly make a good impression on one's beloved. What the hell do you take me for?
Anastasia's family responded to Case's email with a few direct requests for information, pointing out to him that a family friend who frequented some of the same coffeehouses as Case and his friends, had seen him only days before his letter sitting at a table enjoying the camaraderie of a number of his friends, including Tara McDowell, the person to whom he had referred only days earlier in his email as a "pitiful individual" with whom he had declared that he no longer spoke. Having caught him in so many plain untruths, we then asked him to categorically state the following, according his best knowledge and belief:Case never responded. He never again attempted correspondence with the family.
- that Justin Bruton had driven ONLY the route that night that Case claimed, with no detours nor extra stops;
- that Anastasia did not get out of Justin's car anywhere between the DQ and her alleged fatal walk;
- that Case had gone nowhere that night except his described ride with Justin, Anastasia, and Kelly, and stayed home all night after Justin dropped him off, and went nowhere in his own car;
- and that his actions the days following regarding both Anastasia's death and Justin's disappearance and death were exactly as he had previously stated, with nothing more of significance to add, and nothing to amend.
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