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The FAQ: Answers in the Murder of Anastasia WitbolsFeugen
Where was Byron Case's car on the night of the murder?

At his trial, Byron Case made an effort to "prove" that his car had been in shop on the day of Anastasia's murder.1 He produced a receipt from a mechanic's shop, indicating his car had been in for repairs on October 28, six days after the murder.

Case testified that the car had been in the shop for the entire week, including the period covering Anastasia's murder, but the receipt he produced showed only that the car had been repaired six days after the murder and that the bill had been paid on the day after that. Keeping it for several days longer could commonly have resulted in extra charges for storage, though there was no evidence of any such charges.

In the end it was a moot point, as the prosecution never made an issue of whether or not his car had been available at that time. Why did Case try to present such evidence anyway? As he did in a couple of other instances, he had hoped to close off a loose end by providing sketchy documentation that told part of a story while filling the rest in from his own unverifiable testimony.

Anastasia's father, Robert WitbolsFeugen, was out searching for her till past midnight on the night of her murder following the phone call to him from Justin Bruton.2 While searching in the vicinity of Mt. Washington Cemetery (just east of the murder scene in Lincoln Cemetery), he saw a car he later identified as Byron Case's driving east past him toward Independence, Missouri. While he did not know at that time that it was Byron Case's car, it was a match for Case's beat-up Impala with a personalized tag ("MORBID").

Case twice mentioned in emails to Anastasia's family that he had access to his car that night,3,4 and admitted same in a 1999 police interview that he drove his car the day after the murder.5) His only claim at that time was that his car was unavailable two days after the murder, when he and Kelly Moffett had to get a ride to the Sheriff's Department from Moffett's mother.6

After being informed in a 1999 police interview that his car had been seen on the night of the murder in the vicinity of the murder,7, only then did Case attempt to find "proof" that car had been unavailable at the time. However, the only definitive "proof" he could show only indicated the car was in the shop the week after the murder, and that there was no evidence to show it had been towed (per Case's claim).8 There was no indication of how long it had been in the shop, but it was clear that the work was paid for and the car retrieved the day after the work was done. Currently, Case and his supporters try to use this "proof" to show that Case was wrongly accused by Robert WitbolsFeugen, even though Mr. WitbolsFeugen was never called as a witness in the murder by either prosecution or defense. The only "proof" available is that Case mentioned a number of times that his car was available on the night of Anastasia's murder and the day after, that he only tried to find proof that it was unavailable after learning it had been seen on the night of the murder, and the only "proof" he was able to produce was that it was unavailable for two days about a week after the time frame involved.

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